I Luv NY

A travel bucket list that everyone has dreamed of at least once… .. Let’s go on a winter trip to “ New York, ” a city that never sleeps and a city of economy, culture and art that stands tall in the center of the world.

New York scene from the plane is located at the mouth of the Hudson River, and the main cities crossing the Newark and Brooklyn bridges stretching east to west are Manhattan, Staten Island, and Long Island. ), the city is spread over three islands. How could this splendid city have world-class power and dominate the economy?

Looking into history, the multiracial immigrant ancestors put New York on the rock with their hard lives, struggles, and endless will and efforts. Behind the splendor of New York’s splendid buildings and the world’s best culture and arts, their bloody revolutions and wars have repeatedly developed.

The first person to discover New York was the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who explored under the command of King François I of France and discovered only the northern port of New York in 1524, but failed to settle it. In 1609, British explorer Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River today by arriving at New York Harbor pioneering the Northeast Passage, and in 1624, Dutch settlers arrived and settled in the Southern Harbor to trade fur. And to protect them from Native Americans and British raids, the Dutch colonial governor “Peter Minuit” finally established a colony in 1926 by exchanging Manhattan Island from the Native Americans for $24 in goods at the time, the name named “New Amsterdam”. However, on September 8, 1664, the British forcibly occupied New Amsterdam and ruled the surrounding area as a colony, and Charles II of England granted the land to his younger brother “Duke of York” and renamed it “New York” after his name.

New York was an important trading port under the rule of the British Empire, and full-fledged development began with the establishment of New York City Hall in 1700. Many wealthy people, such as English Puritans, Frings, Swiss, and Huguenots, who were part of European countries, moved to New York, and agricultural expansion and necessary Workers began to come in as slaves from Africa, and until the 1860s, New York was composed of Irish, German, and other immigrants who accounted for 40% of the city, and as 13 colonies were formed around New York, the United States of America was formed and New York was the capital. On July 4, 1776, the United States declared independence, but Britain did not recognize it. Britain sent troops to further strengthen the American colonies, and with the excessive stamp duty (a publication tax collected in addition to sugar, wheat, iron, and salt), dissatisfaction in the American colonies grew and revolutions broke out in various places, finally in Boston. Following the massacre, the 7-year War of Independence begins.

The 13 states of the United States (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia) unite under the command of General George Washington, Commander-in-Chief. The war against Britain continued, and in 1783, after the war between France and its Spanish allies, the Treaty of Paris was signed, and Britain recognized the independence of the United States and the United States of America was finally born. Upon taking office as president, he lost the capital of New York and later set it to Washington.

In this way, New York continued its path of prosperity as it entered the 19th century, continuing the rough revolution and war. While carrying out the immigration policy to accept a large number of immigrants, it developed into a mega city for the first time in human history with more than 10 million people due to the massive migration of Irish, German, and Jewish/African Americans. It became the center of the world economy, and after World War II, New York became the political center, and the United Nations was established and politics and economy were further strengthened. New York has been elevated to the center.

Entering the 20th century, New York was called a sacred place for music and art, and it became a factor in the prosperity of American folk music and jazz music. Frank Sinatra’s musicality with the theme of “New York New York” very familiar to people is also loved by everyone starting from New York.

In addition, major American media outlets, based on their headquarters, are ABC, CBS, FOX.NBC, among which NBC’s headquarters are reporting live broadcasts every morning from Rockefeller Center with the audience, and are influential daily newspapers around the world. The headquarters of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, which informs the world economy, are also based in New York, informing news of New York and the world economy.

As many broadcasting stations are gathered, the broadcasting programs are diverse, and the influence of filmmakers who have competed in Hollywood and their activities in New York are not insignificant . It was filmed in Central Park , and Spider-Man, Iron Man, Sex and the City, etc. were filmed in New York, developing episodes in the daily lives of specific New Yorkers.

Manhattan, New York’s most glamorous city, is everyone’s dream destination. The splendor of 46th Street and Broadway Times Square, where electronic billboard advertisements from all over the world have gathered, stimulates our eyes to such an extent that people from all over the world have no choice but to gather amid the fierce competition for advertisements dazzling all night long. Moreover, the most popular Broadway musicals began in the middle of the 18th century in plays and operas based on Shakespeare’s works, and today Broadway’s Musical is one of the must-sees in New York.

The first theater in New York was established in 1750 by Walter Meray and Thomas Keane, who were both actors and managers, with a 280-seat theater and staged a ballad opera. It was only in 1798 that the Park Theater, which can accommodate 2,000 spectators, began to revive. The success of Musical , which started with British actors, is Union Square Madison It was moved from Square to Times Square and is now in its heyday, where you can hear creative plays by the best musicians, dance troupes, and theater actors through beautiful music and opera, and more than 50 million tourists a year enjoy Broadway’s musical at New Station to come to see.

From 1910, along with the world’s economic growth, a boom in high-rise buildings began to rise in architecture, and Chrysler Building (319.4m), Empire state Building (381m), World Trade Center (417m) The twin towers were the tallest buildings in the world, but unfortunately, they collapsed on September 11, 2001 due to the Al Qaeda terror, killing as many as 3,000 people.

Over the years, new trade centers have been built. Completed on November 3, 2014, the new trade center has been reconstructed and in its place collapsed after the 9/11 attacks . Memorial Park and there is a museum where you can enter and look into the events of the day.

Manhattan’s Upper Town, the world’s three largest museums in Central Park and Fifth Avenue, the Metropolitan The Museum of Art (Metropolitan Museum of Art) exhibits artifacts and artworks from around the world with a history of 5,000 years, and it is not enough to visit for a week. In addition, in New York, a one-year pass is issued to visit more than 40 museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Natural History, and MoMA Museum of Art.

At Broadway and 118th Street, Morningside Heights is Columbia , a prestigious Ivy League university established in 1754 by charter of King George II of England. It has a university campus and is the most prestigious university that has produced as many as 101 Nobel Prize winners and three US presidents. It is a university where many American congressmen graduated from, and many of them have entered the political world.

The High Line stretches around Chelsea Market in New York City. The park was active in 1934 transporting millions of tons of meat, dairy products, and agricultural and marine products from Upper New York (midipacking district) through midtown to lower town (hudson). Due to many accidents, the cargo ship was closed in 1980.

Inspired by the wild plants of the railroad and the ruined buildings that had not been used for 10 years, a non-profit organization was established and an idea contest was held to open it to the public as a natural park public space.

You can see the beautiful streets of Manhattan at a glance, and if you pass halfway through, come down to Chelsea Market and experience New York’s food through the commerce and restaurants that used to be in their heyday.

On Liberty Island, off the lower New York, is the symbol of freedom, an immortal masterpiece that reflects the world as well as an American listing. This is where the statue of the goddess was erected. It was dedicated by the French people on October 28, 1986 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American independence. In 1874, designed by French sculptor Frederac Auquest Bartholdi, it was created from the image of the Lady of Liberty leading the people, completed in 1886 (46.m/225t), divided into as many as 214 pieces, and transported to the United States, and in 1984, UNESCO World Heritage registered in the heritage. You can take a ferry or take a cruise to see the Statue of Liberty, and if time permits, make sure to get off at Liberty Island and take the opportunity to tour the Statue of Liberty Park and see the panoramic view of New York at a glance.

Soho Street, established as the mecca of New York’s fashion and art, is the representative of the world’s shopping street with boutiques and miscellaneous goods of famous designers. There are major tourist attractions such as Square and Rockefeller, and there is a Korean street “K town” between 32nd Street and 6th Street.

Unfortunately, it is not enough to experience and experience the whole of New York in just a few days. You can simply enjoy it depending on from where to where you want to go . Accommodation should be located in Manhattan rather than Newark or Brooklyn, which have low fares, so that you can save money and travel on the sidewalk without renting a car. It is highly recommended for all tourists as it allows you to freely select the language you want, get off at the desired terminal station, and re-board.

New York has more than 800 languages spoken by its multiracial population. Dim Sum in Chinatown in Soho Street, where you can taste various cultures and foods of different ethnicities… ,Little Italy’s authentic pasta and pizza… ,32nd Street Korean Street Food from various countries, such as steamed kimchi, is delicious.

In New York in December, I felt like my lips would be bruised by the wind, and even my feet would be frozen as the wind from the river gathered between the buildings. Absolutely not, especially since New York is a legendary city, let’s know in advance, knowing the true sweetness of travel, not the bitterness of life, is the sweet taste of honey… .

On Broadway in New York… .